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International Projects

In 2019, the NGO De Mãos Dadas Pela Vida (MPV) was included in two Erasmus + projects co-financed by the European Community called “INNOVOL: Innovative Volunteering Models with and for Youth” and "EUinAID: Youth INVOLVED in FIRST Aid". In the latter, goals were set to be achieved by April 2020. INNOVOL and EUinAid were projects that covered the areas of first aid and volunteer training and were implemented by MPV in the Senador Canedo region. Teamwork with major European Union NGOs benefited our community and was a unique opportunity for young people involved in the projects.

From then on, our NGO started to be part of some other international projects together with European countries. A brief presentation of the projects in which the NGO participated/participates is listed below:



The project aims to promote the participation of young people with intellectual disabilities in physical and sports activities through the development of socio-professional, technical and soft skills of young animators and trainers through an innovative model that integrates non-formal learning, peer learning, virtual learning and mobility in the area of Sport and Physical Activities aimed at young people. Partner institutions are:

- Cooperativa Umanista MAZRA (Itália)
- Odbojkarski klub TPV Volley Novo mesto (Eslovênia)

- Alsancak Su Sporları Kulübü Derneği (Turquia)
- MFC: Maendeleo for Children (Itália)

- CRE.THI.DEV: ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΚΗ ΣΚΕΨΗ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ (Creative Thinking Development) (Grécia)

- D.A.D.A.A.: Σύλλογος Γονέων, Κηδεμόνωνκαι Φίλων, Παιδιών και Ενηλίκων με Διάχυτη Αναπτυξιακή Διαταραχή-Αυτισμό και Asperger (Association of Parents, Legal Guardians & Friends of Children & Adults inAutism Spectrum Disorders and Aspergers’) (Grécia)



The project aimed to enhance the management and participatory governance, as well as the capacity for innovation and internationalization, of non-profit organizations that work with and for youth, targeting young volunteers (18-30 years) and directly involving 8 countries in the study, training/learning activities and sharing best practices in the area. Partner organizations were:

DRPDNM: Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela (Slovenia)

- MANDS: MasterandSkills srl (Italy)

- KOMEN: Susan G. Komen Italia Onlus (Italy)

- Association Walktogether (Bulgaria)


- EILD – European Institute for Local Development (Greece)


- CREA 360 S.L. (Spain)

The NGO De Mãos Dadas pela Vida participated in the first “Kick-off” meeting of the Erasmus + project co-financed by the European Community in Novo Mesto (Slovenia) called “INNOVOL: Innovative Volunteering Models with and for Youth”. All partner NGOs participated, some goals were established when they were achieved by April 2020 and the functions of each organization involved. We were hosted at the headquarters of the Association (DRPDNM) of Novo Mesto for the development of volunteer work and to better understand the areas of operation of the organizations involved and the strategy of performance, communication and effectiveness of the projects in the various countries involved. It is a cooperation to, through an exchange of experiences and training methods, create guidelines for the theme of youth volunteering and the training and recruitment practices of volunteers capable of working in voluntary organizations. We at MPV had the honor of representing Brazil in terms of cooperation with the European Union in the area of ​​volunteering and, at the same time, we had the task of sensitizing communities and institutions to the importance and benefits of volunteering for all.


On the first day of the meeting (February 8), we discussed the objectives of the project's partner agencies, the categories of people who will benefit and help in the development of activities, the activities to be performed in our neighborhood, the role of each partner and the dissemination of project results. After a typical Slovenian lunch, we return to the meeting room and discuss financial issues, and the reports when they are sent to the body responsible for economic aspects. The following day (February 9th), themes were discussed regarding the exchange of young people and people who work with young people and each organization presented a proposal for viable weeks to carry out the exchange. Returning to Brazil, we organized a meeting with the group of young people and adults who work with young people who will help us in carrying out the other activities of this wonderful project. It will be a great challenge for our NGO, which will have the chance to grow by learning from the work of others and will be able to present its own method of working abroad. Always “Dreaming together a better world!”.


Project website:



On 28th and 29th of January 2019 the NGO De Mãos Dadas pela Vida participated in the presentation and definition meeting of the EUinAID: Youth INVOLVED in FIRST Aid project, funded by the European Union Erasmus + program. Partner organizations were:
- Johanniter-Unfall-Hiffe (Austria)
- Johanniter International (Belgium)
- Johannita Segito Szolgalat (Hungary)
- Dorea Educational Institute (Cyprus)
- Instanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Geemegi IAAD (Turkey)

The project aimed to analyze the different types of first aid courses in Europe and in the world.

The main objective was to improve skills among young people (18-25 years) and professionals working with young people and adolescents through transnational cooperation in the field of first aid.

The project developed the training through innovative methods such as simulation of real scenarios, job shadowing and the use of a public platform where all materials with free access to the community will be published.

EUinAID foresaw the exchange between young people who were able to have a training experience in European Union countries.

Sharing, training, dissemination, mobility, raising awareness, meetings, debates, videos and manuals for children, adolescents and adults, training in schools and on the streets, are characteristics of the project that was developed until April 2020.

Project website:


De Mãos Dadas Pela Vida (MPV) is a non-governmental organization with state public utility (2011). Since 2007, we have developed educational, cultural, sports and social assistance projects free of charge, especially in the outskirts of Goiás in Senador Canedo, Jardim das Oliveiras and Region.

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Phones: President: Paolo Finardi (62) 99186-6902

               Vice-President: Altair Ceará (62) 99227-4217

Address: Rua Jm15 Qd19 Lt 1. Jardim das Oliveiras, Senador Canedo - GO, 75250-000 Brazil


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