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Training For

Young Educators

The Project "Training for the Labor Market"

The "Training for the Job Market" Project is an action developed at the Unified Arts and Sports Center. The project aims to train people in the low-income community, giving them the opportunity to learn a technical profession and enter the job market. The project offers three modalities of professionalization, namely: Technical training in Porter-Vigia with 176 hour hours distributed in theoretical and practical classes of 4h three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Participants in the course learn all the information and theoretical knowledge necessary to exercise this profession.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The Professional Training Course for Senior Caregivers with 186h distributed in theoretical and practical classes of 4h twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Participants in the course learn all the information and theoretical knowledge necessary to exercise this profession of caregiver with theoretical classes in asylum and shelter and shelter. The third modality is the Office Boy / Gril Professional Course aimed at teenagers and young people still looking for their first job. The course has a 60-hour course, taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon, with a 4-hour class. The course participants do not pay any value, being offered free of charge by the NGO of Hands Given for Life in partnership with the Unified Arts and Sports Center, which provides the Multipurpose Room for such activities. This initiative had as its starting point the diagnosed need that the NGO, through a social assistance service, realized with the residents of the region that they have low education and training to enter the job market.

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De Mãos Dadas Pela Vida (MPV) is a non-governmental organization with state public utility (2011). Since 2007, we have developed educational, cultural, sports and social assistance projects free of charge, especially in the outskirts of Goiás in Senador Canedo, Jardim das Oliveiras and Region.


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Phones: President: Paolo Finardi (62) 99186-6902

               Vice-President: Altair Ceará (62) 99227-4217

Address: Rua Jm15 Qd19 Lt 1. Jardim das Oliveiras, Senador Canedo - GO, 75250-000 Brazil



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